Claims for Pedestrian Accidents in NJ

What to do if you’re Injured as a Pedestrian in New Jersey

Pedestrian accidents accounted for almost 6,000 fatalities in the U.S. in 2016. This was the largest amount of pedestrian fatalities in over 15 years. This statistic translates into one pedestrian fatality every 90 minutes in traffic accidents according to the NHTSA. Here in New Jersey, there were 166 pedestrian fatalities in traffic accidents in 2016 – which is almost double the national average.

To further complicate these accidents, pedestrians have no protection when crossing streets and walking alongside roads. Therefore, when a pedestrian is involved in an accident with a motor vehicle, the injuries can be horrific. At MyNJInjuryLawyer, you will find a New Jersey Pedestrian Accident attorney dedicated to fighting for justice for your claim

If you or a family member suffered an injury as a pedestrian, you need an experienced New Jersey injury lawyer to ensure you are fairly compensated.  At My NJ Injury Lawyer Howard P. Lesnik, Esq., I fight to ensure my clients receive the benefits they are entitled to. I am experienced in negotiating with insurance companies and representing pedestrian accident victims throughout New Jersey.

Common NJ Pedestrian Claims

  • Pain and suffering for injuries
  • Psychological damages and post-traumatic stress after witnessing a loved one hit by a car
  • Claims for lost wages
  • Hospital and medical bills
  • Reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses

Leading Causes of NJ Pedestrian Accidents

  • Distracted Driving: The majority of pedestrian accidents are due to driver negligence. Today, drivers are all too often distracted with cell phones, GPS, onboard dashboard features. Many drivers believe if they are using a phone on speaker, they will not be distracted. This causes driver inattention and can lead to dangerous accidents when they do not observe pedestrians.
  • Failure to yield to pedestrians. In New Jersey, the law requires all traffic to yield to pedestrians. Many drivers feel they are in rush, or do not observe pedestrians attempting to cross the street until it is too late. This accounts for almost half of accidents involving pedestrians. New Jersey has attempted to crack-down by positioning undercover police officers at cross-walks to immediately ticket drivers who do not yield to pedestrians.
  • Rushing in Reverse. It sounds simple to back out of a parking space, but many drivers do not take the time to look behind their car and to both sides. This leads to cars backing into pedestrians in driver’s blind spots. This is a particular problem during the hustle and bustle of holidays and during rush hours.
  • Blind Spots: Drivers have obstructed views from their rear and side view mirrors, and do not take the time to look for themselves when driving. This presents a major hazard to pedestrians who have no time to react to a car barreling at them, and no defense if it is too late.

Pro-Tips for Drivers to Avoid New Jersey Pedestrian Accidents

  • Never drive while distracted, and always expect the unexpected pedestrian on the roadways. Put down the cell phone and just drive.
  • Keep close attention to blind-spots and during nighttime.
  • Give extra time and attention when driving with sun glares or during bad weather. If it is too bright, or too dark, you may not notice the pedestrian right next to your car.
  • Avoid local speed limits and prepare to yield or stop when approaching crosswalks.
  • Never pass a vehicle stopped at a crosswalk. If they are stopped for a pedestrian, you may hit, injure or kill the person they are politely letting cross the road.
  • Do not drive under the influence of intoxicating liquors or drugs. Not only may you injure a pedestrian, but you could lose your license or face a lengthy prison sentence in New Jersey.
  • Remember, as soon as you get out of your car, you too will become a pedestrian! Treat pedestrians the way you want to be treated when you are walking!

What to do After a Pedestrian Accident

If you or a family member is an accident victim as a pedestrian, you should immediately contact the police. If you are injured, you should notify the police so that an ambulance is dispatched to the accident scene. As with any other motor vehicle accident, you should note the license plate for the car that hit you and get the license and insurance of the driver if you are able. When you are able to speak with the officer, either at the scene or after you leave the hospital, make sure you include all details as to how the accident unfolded and how the car hit you. It is important to note where you were in the street when you were hit, and how fast the car was going upon impact. Do not leave out the impact from the collision and how you were thrown or fell to the ground after the accident. Lastly, take pictures of the scene and the conditions, again, only if you are able to do so.

An experienced NJ injury lawyer can assist you with your claim after your pedestrian accident. A pedestrian accident can cause significant, serious injuries and trauma. You can suffer broken bones from the impact, crushed bones if run over, closed-head injuries, and traumatic brain injuries. Pedestrians also suffer from emotional and psychological injuries after being hit by a car. My NJ Injury lawyer can assist you with your medical bills, lost wages if you miss work, and compensation for your pain and suffering for any damages suffered from the accident.

Contact MyNJInjuryLawyer

If you or a loved one suffered an injury in a pedestrian accident, you should contact an attorney familiar with handling these claims. My NJ Injury Lawyer Howard P. Lesnik, Esq. offers free strategy sessions to address any issue or questions you may have about your injury, medical bills or your accident claim.

Please contact NJ Injury Lawyer Howard Lesnik, Esq., immediately if you were involved in a pedestrian accident and were injured or suffered damages. I personally handle NJ personal injury cases on a regular basis. Please contact me now by email, by phoning 908.264.7701, or by completing the form to the right to schedule your complimentary 30-minute strategy session.
How to Choose an attorney for NJ Personal Injury Cases