Daylight Savings Time Starts 2 a.m. Sunday, March 9, 2025
As the end of standard time approaches, many people look forward to "springing" their clocks forward one hour, prior to going to bed Saturday night, to enjoy more light in evening hours.
As the end of standard time approaches, many people look forward to "springing" their clocks forward one hour, prior to going to bed Saturday night, to enjoy more light in evening hours.
As the end of daylight savings time (DST) approaches, many people look forward to gaining an extra hour of sleep. However, the shift back to standard time can have hidden dangers that go beyond the simple adjustment of clocks. These dangers, ranging from health impacts to safety risks, are worth considering as we prepare for «more»
It’s no secret that Amazon has a reputation for being indifferent at best to the well-being of its warehouse employees; the eCommerce giant has received extensive criticism for its draconian working environment that denies employees appropriate breaks to the point where workers are pressured to substitute trips to the restroom with using plastic bottles, and for the company’s lackluster commitment to Covid safety measures for its employees when those precautions might compromise efficiency.