Dangerous Premises

Dangers of Slip and Falls During Freeze and Thaw Cycles in New Jersey

In the immediate aftermath of a snowstorm, the bitter cold and piles of snow and ice make venturing outside a frightening event. Winter storms can leave behind dangerously slippery conditions for anyone traveling on foot, even if just walking to their car. However, when the temperature starts to rise a little, surely that’s a sign «more»

What is Title 59 in New Jersey?

If you have been injured due to the negligence of an individual or an entity in New Jersey, you have the legal right to seek compensation for those injuries, damages and medical expenses caused by the other party.  What happens when the party responsible for your accident is a public entity, such as the State «more»

By |2022-04-12T01:21:11-04:00November 19th, 2020|Categories: Accident Injuries, Dangerous Condition, Dangerous Premises, injury case, New Jersey Personal Injury Attorney, Personal Injury, tort law|Comments Off on What is Title 59 in New Jersey?