Accident Injuries

Personal Injury Medical Bills and the Collateral Source Doctrine

A serious accident can leave someone with serious injuries. No one should be saddled with medicals bills on top of injuries after a serious personal injury accident.  However, the medical costs from a significant accident case can pile up and become astronomically high – especially if the medical care required hospital stays, surgical procedures, or «more»

By |2022-04-12T01:22:11-04:00December 2nd, 2020|Accident Injuries, collateral source doctrine, New Jersey Personal Injury, New Jersey Personal Injury Attorney|Comments Off on Personal Injury Medical Bills and the Collateral Source Doctrine

What is Title 59 in New Jersey?

If you have been injured due to the negligence of an individual or an entity in New Jersey, you have the legal right to seek compensation for those injuries, damages and medical expenses caused by the other party.  What happens when the party responsible for your accident is a public entity, such as the State «more»

By |2022-04-12T01:21:11-04:00November 19th, 2020|Accident Injuries, Dangerous Condition, Dangerous Premises, injury case, New Jersey Personal Injury Attorney, Personal Injury, tort law|Comments Off on What is Title 59 in New Jersey?

Your Personal Injury Case: Pre-Litigation Settlements Explained

In most people’s minds, when they hear someone is suing for personal injuries, they imagine a judge, a jury, lawyers and testifying in open court. In reality, most people injured in an accident from a personal injury resolve the claim without ever stepping into a courtroom. A pre-litigation settlement is when the injured victim and «more»

By |2022-04-12T01:25:27-04:00October 27th, 2020|Accident Injuries, Injuries|Comments Off on Your Personal Injury Case: Pre-Litigation Settlements Explained

Highway Accident Victim Awarded $375,000

My 60-year-old client was driving on the highway on a rainy Saturday morning with his family when a young driver attempted to pass his car. The other driver sped up to pass and lost control of his vehicle on the wet road and crashed into my client’s car. My client was seriously injured and taken «more»

By |2022-03-31T16:18:44-04:00October 17th, 2020|Accident Injuries, Injuries, Motor Vehicle Accidents, Success Stories|Comments Off on Highway Accident Victim Awarded $375,000

Should You Hire an Attorney for a NJ Car Accident

Car accidents happen all day, every day in New Jersey. Just turn on any television or radio news station for a traffic report. Highways come to a halt for traffic jams and rubbernecking from car accidents. In fact, the Department of Transportation reports over 35,000 fatal accidents across the U.S. for each of the past «more»

By |2022-03-17T20:52:14-04:00October 13th, 2020|Accident Injuries, Motor Vehicle Accidents|Comments Off on Should You Hire an Attorney for a NJ Car Accident

What To Do After New Jersey Car Accident

The automobile industry has made vehicles safer to drive and ride in than in earlier years. This fact does not mean there are fewer accidents, or that you cannot be seriously injured when involved in a car accident. Automobile accidents resulted in more than two million injuries last year. «more»

By |2022-03-31T16:27:21-04:00September 23rd, 2020|Accident Injuries, Motor Vehicle Accidents|Comments Off on What To Do After New Jersey Car Accident

Which property owner is responsible for injuries from a fall in or around a mall store?

An unexpected trip to the hospital should never be part of your shopping trip to the mall. You should be able to drive home from the mall in the car that your arrived in. You should not have to leave the mall in an ambulance. People work hard for their money and you deserve to «more»

By |2020-08-07T19:33:30-04:00August 7th, 2020|Accident Injuries, Injuries, Slip & Fall Accidents|Comments Off on Which property owner is responsible for injuries from a fall in or around a mall store?

Are Towns Liable If Traffic Lights Are Not Installed At Dangerous Intersections, Putting Pedestrians At Risk?

Thousands of pedestrians are injured and killed by cars throughout New Jersey each year. When pedestrians are injured automobile accidents, they are entitled to compensation for their injuries. However, in order to recover compensation, the injury victim’s attorney identify all parties who be responsible for causing the victim’s injuries. Obviously, that begins with the negligent «more»

By |2022-03-31T16:25:59-04:00July 13th, 2020|Accident Injuries, Motor Vehicle Accidents, Pedestrian Accidents|Comments Off on Are Towns Liable If Traffic Lights Are Not Installed At Dangerous Intersections, Putting Pedestrians At Risk?

How Your Lawyer Can Make or Break a NJ Personal Injury Case

How Your Lawyer Can Make or Break a NJ Personal Injury Case If you or a loved one have been involved in an accident and suffered personal injuries, you can expect difficult challenges from insurance companies, in addition to your injuries. No matter how severe your injuries are, the stress of dealing with a personal «more»

By |2022-03-17T17:30:23-04:00June 3rd, 2020|Accident Injuries, Injuries|Comments Off on How Your Lawyer Can Make or Break a NJ Personal Injury Case

Top 7 Causes of Truck Accidents

Did you know New Jersey has the reputation for some the worst roads and highways in the nation – for many years in a row? This coupled with extremely congested highways is a recipe for disaster for truck accidents in New Jersey. The size and weight of tractor trailers barreling down highways create a dangerous «more»

By |2022-03-17T20:56:47-04:00April 28th, 2020|Accident Injuries, Motor Vehicle Accidents|Comments Off on Top 7 Causes of Truck Accidents