Hanukkah is a joyful time for families to come together and celebrate. To help you and your loved ones stay safe this Hanukkah, I offer a few safety tips:

Menorah Safety:
Never leave burning candles unattended. Place menorahs on a stable, heat-resistant surface, away from flammable materials, such as curtains, decorations, or other flammable materials. Make sure the candles are securely placed in the menorah and are kept away from drafts. If children are participating in lighting the menorah, closely supervise them and provide proper safety instructions. Ensure young children and pets cannot reach the flames. Keep matches and lighters out of reach of children.

As a safer alternative, you may want to consider using battery-operated menorahs. If you do use an electric menorah, first inspect all lights for frayed wires or damaged sockets. Don’t overload outlets and use timers to control when lights are on and off.

Tripping hazards: Keep electrical cords and decorations out of walkways to prevent tripping accidents.

Falling hazards: Secure decorations firmly and ensure pathways are clear of clutter.


  • Keep a fire extinguisher readily available and be aware of your surroundings while cooking. Never leave hot pots and pans unattended.
  • Be cautious in the kitchen, especially when frying traditional foods like latkes. Heat the oil slowly and carefully to prevent splatters and burns. Use a splatter guard when frying food.

Dreidel Safety:
If small children are playing with dreidels, ensure they are age-appropriate and do not pose a choking hazard. Keep small game pieces out of reach of very young children.

General safety:

  • Be aware of your surroundings: Watch for slippery surfaces, especially when carrying hot beverages or food.
  • Keep medications and hazardous materials out of reach of children and pets.
  • Have a plan in case of emergency: Know the location of your fire extinguisher and first-aid kit. Ensure everyone knows your emergency contact information.

Additional tips:

  • Purchase safety-certified decorations and products. Read and follow all instructions carefully when assembling and using holiday decorations.
  • Don’t rush when decorating or preparing for Hanukkah gatherings. Take your time and be mindful of potential hazards.
  • If you’re hosting a party, provide non-alcoholic options and monitor guests’ alcohol intake. Encourage guests to use designated drivers or ride-sharing services when necessary.

By following these safety tips, you can help create a safe and happy Hanukkah season for yourself and your loved ones.

Wishing Hanukkah brings much light, laughter, and love to you and your family and friends during these eight crazy nights, and next year!